Brown Recluse Spiders

Exploring Georgia’s Brown Spider Species

Georgia, with its diverse ecosystem, is home to a variety of spider species, including several types of brown spiders. While spiders play a vital role in controlling insect populations, some species can pose risks to humans. At Monitor Pest Control, we understand the importance of knowing your local arachnid inhabitants to ensure a safe and pest-free environment. Let’s dive into the different types of brown spiders found in Georgia and how to identify them:


  1. Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles reclusa):

  • Identification: Brown recluses are medium-sized spiders with a distinctive violin-shaped marking on their back. They have six eyes arranged in pairs.
  • Habitat: These spiders prefer dark, secluded areas such as closets, basements, and attics. They may also hide in piles of debris or woodpiles.
  • Behavior: Brown recluses are shy and nocturnal. They typically bite when threatened or accidentally disturbed. Their venom can cause necrotic lesions in some cases.
  • Prevention: Keep storage areas clutter-free, seal cracks and crevices, and wear gloves when handling stored items.


  1. Southern House Spider (Kukulcania hibernalis):

  • Identification: Southern house spiders are large, dark brown spiders with elongated bodies and long legs. They have distinctive spinnerets at the end of their abdomens.
  • Habitat: These spiders are commonly found around homes, particularly in sheds, garages, and outdoor structures. They build messy, irregular webs in corners and crevices.
  • Behavior: Southern house spiders are not aggressive and rarely bite humans. They primarily feed on insects and are considered beneficial for pest control.
  • Prevention: Regularly clean and declutter indoor and outdoor spaces to discourage spider infestations.


  1. Wolf Spider (Family Lycosidae):

  • Identification: Wolf spiders vary in size and coloration but are typically brown with distinct eye arrangements. They have two large eyes in the front row and four smaller eyes in the bottom row.
  • Habitat: These spiders are versatile hunters and can be found in a wide range of habitats, including grasslands, forests, and urban areas. They often hide in burrows or leaf litter.
  • Behavior: Wolf spiders are active hunters and do not build webs to catch prey. They may enter homes in search of food but are not considered dangerous to humans.
  • Prevention: Seal entry points such as gaps around doors and windows, and keep outdoor lighting to a minimum to reduce insect attraction.


  1. Woodlouse Hunter (Dysdera crocata):

  • Identification: Woodlouse hunters are medium-sized spiders with reddish-brown bodies and long legs. They have large, powerful jaws for capturing their prey.
  • Habitat: These spiders are commonly found in gardens, under rocks, and in damp areas such as basements and crawl spaces. They prey on woodlice, sowbugs, and other small arthropods.
  • Behavior: Woodlouse hunters are not aggressive toward humans and typically avoid contact. They are beneficial for controlling woodlice populations but may bite if handled roughly.
  • Prevention: Reduce moisture levels in and around the home to discourage woodlice and their predators.


While brown spiders in Georgia vary in size, behavior, and habitat preferences, understanding their characteristics can help homeowners identify and manage potential pest issues effectively. At Monitor Pest Control, we offer comprehensive pest management solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a safe and pest-free environment for you and your family. Contact us today for professional pest control services and enjoy peace of mind knowing your home is protected against unwanted arachnid invaders.

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