wasps ga 2

Wasps: What to know

The Truth About Wasps Wasps typically get in through small openings that lead inside our homes and commercial buildings. Effectively sealing these small openings is an important step in preventing wasp infestations. Sealing these small access points inside your home will also help prevent problems from other pests like spiders, roaches, and other insects. Wasps…

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Rodents: Unwanted Guests

Fall in the South is rodent season. As the temperatures fall, rats, mice, and other small mammals will want to seek refuge for the colder months. Leave it to us to make sure that they don’t choose your home for the winter. The secret to keeping rodents away from your home is understanding what they…

june bug

How to Identify and Manage June Bugs

As the days get longer and we start to enjoy the summer weather, we’re faced with the less pleasant prospect of an increase in insects. One of the most annoying pests this time of year is the June bug, named because they tend to emerge around the end of May. Unfortunately, this pest is on…

springtime pest infestations atlanta ga

Common Springtime Pest Infestations

Pest control is important all year-round, but in the springtime, it becomes more apparent. Every spring, the phones at Monitor Pest Control are ringing constantly with infestations as the weather warms up and the bugs show themselves. There are a few pests that are our most common infestations in the spring here in Atlanta. Most…

how to get rid of mosquitoes in atlanta ga

How To Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Atlanta residents feel the pain every spring and summer when the mosquitos seem to swarm everywhere outdoors. With Georgia’s above-average winter temperatures, we are expecting an earlier mosquito season than usual in early spring. Now is the time to start planning on how to get rid of mosquitoes before they even start biting – and…